Bright Care Agency which provides domiciliary and personal care to people in their own homes across Weston was found to have held "inadequate" care plan information and gave inaccurate details about the number of people it supported, inspectors concluded.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) staff found it suffered from a "lack of oversight and governance in all areas" and that "the provider did not follow safe recruitment procedures and that staff did not receive a sufficient induction or suitable training to enable them to be skilled and competent in their role."
Following an inspection on the 23rd October, the CQC discovered seven breaches of regulations relating to safe care and treatments.
The inspection also found that "infection control risks were not mitigated, people's care was not delivered on time and people were not safeguarded from potential abuse and neglect." The report also stated that "systems to plan, support and administer medicines were not safe and there was no evidence to demonstrate staff had been trained in medicine administration"
In March, inspectors had found Bright Care Agency "required improvement" but it has now been rated "inadequate" and placed in special measures as a result.
If the CQC does not propose to cancel the agency's registration it will be re-inspected within six months.
The agency was contacted for comment.