With only 16 days left until Britain leaves the European Union, companies across the town that see trade with Europe as a vital part of their business are waiting to see to whether or not a deal will be secured that many see as vital in determining the future direction of their business. All the time aware of the financial restraints here at home, among the backdrop of a difficult economic outlook due to the covid-19 pandemic.
Eurocams, who produce, source and sell products for the automotive aftermarket are one of many businesses locally who are desperately waiting to find out the outcome of ongoing Brexit deal talks still currently ongoing between British and European negotiators. The company manufacturers parts in China before importing them to the UK for distribution to customers here and across Europe.
In the event of a No Deal Brexit and tariffs switching to Word Trade Organisation rules, the business would see an increase in duty cost of 10% on all exports to European customers and would also see import duty rise from its current level of 3% to 10% once the country leaves the EU.
The company has been planning since the EU result was announced, in order to ensure that as minimal disruption as possible occurred to the business when the time comes, even if a deal was to take place, the business has been forced to open a company in Holland in order to assist with the process, as well as facing the very real possibility that up to half the business here in the UK could be closed and moved to Holland to ensure that the business can still operate at the levels it is currently.
Managing Director at Eurocams Graham Masarik said "We have seen an upsurge in orders at the end of this year but looking to the beginning of next year, forward orders on our products have seen a steep decline compared to what we would normally expect. With Europe as our main customer, the removal of free movement and free trade will stifle growth and may result in job losses here in the UK, an unsavoury fact our staff are all too aware of."
"Our European customers feel that we as a country have let Europe down and the saddest fact facing the car manufacturing industry is that in the areas of the country which rely heavily on this sector for jobs, from Bridgend and Solihull to Derby and Swindon, all of them voted leave in the referendum. There's just one question I can't understand; why would people vote to lose their jobs?"
Cllr Mark Canniford, North Somerset's Executive member for the economy and community safety said "This is undoubtedly a worrying time for many businesses who have already been under significant pressure for many months as a result of the pandemic. The amount of red tape that will come from a No Deal Brexit will mean that costs incurred to businesses will increase and prices will rise as a result."
"The council is doing what it can to help alleviate the pressures local businesses are facing, this includes communicating to businesses the help that is there to assist them with the transition and we have also spoken with Bristol port in order to ensure the information we are passing onto businesses around imports and exports, is as up to date as possible. The one thing amongst all this that I can't understand, is why people voted to to go it alone and give up our largest trading partner for the possibility of deals with other countries"